Multiplex Update: Unleash the potential of your property!

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New multiplex regulations are now in effect in BC and zoning changes are creating exciting opportunities for homeowners. We can help you navigate bylaws and unlock your property's potential from multiplexes to infill homes. Continue reading because we have tools and solutions for you.

Our flexible and modern multiplex design features privacy and extended outdoor living space for each unit. Designed to be constructed using factory-built modules, prefab panels, or standard construction, modPLEX offers the flexibility to adapt to different size lots and the ability to do more. Create more living space on the land you own, spend more time in the community you love, and save more on building costs.‍

We designed modPLEX in response to the City of Vancouver's new community plan, more than 90% of lots are now eligible for duplex - a big step for creating diversity in the housing market.

We have put together a flow chart (Individual pages below) to assist you in uncovering the potential of your property.

Navigating the complexities of bylaws to determine your property's highest and best use, while comprehending the intricacies of development can be challenging. Fortunately, we are here to offer expert guidance every step of the way.

The ripple effect of Vancouver's zoning changes is expected to reach surrounding municipalities with similar bylaws soon. We will be ready for these changes and can answer any questions you may have.

Let's collaborate to design homes of the future!

Please continue to follow us on our Instagram and checkout out our Modplex webpage for further updates.

More, made possible…

With gratitude,
The Team at Synthesis Design
